28 maart 2009


Enkele jaren geleden volgde ik een opleiding met de mooie naam The Art of Spiritual Guidance. Ter afsluiting daarvan kregen we de opdracht ons levensverhaal in de vorm van een sprookje te schrijven. Ik schreef over mijn levenswandel het sprookje Garden of Silence. Daarin staat de volgende passage:

“For many months the man was very sad that the wise man had left his fortune-teller’s place. He decided to take over the job of the wise man. He replaced the old text on the signboard by a new one: ‘Garden of silence’. He sold the complex time machine and used the money to develop a beautiful garden with a lot of trees, flowers and clear pools. Birds and animals loved to shelter in his garden. When people came to his fortune-teller’s place, he invited them to be silent. He himself focused his attention on the connection with his source. By doing so, he reflected back to all the visitors to his garden the fullness and emptiness of their own selves."

Als je het hele sprookje wil lezen, laat het me even weten:
gardenofsilence@xs4all.nl. Ik kan je het mailen of per post naar je sturen.

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