6 juli 2010


Een van de bekendste leerlingen van Ramana Maharshi is Papa-ji (1910 -1997; zie foto). Net als Ramana Maharshi omschreef Papa-ji 'wie je werkelijk bent' als het Zelf. Daarover schreef hij eens de volgende tekst :


Self is what you are.
You are That Fathomlessness
in which experience and concepts appear.

Self is the Moment that has no coming or going.
It is the Heart, Atman, Emptiness.
It shines to Itself, by Itself, in Itself.

Self is what gives breath to Life.
You need not search for It, It is here.

You are That through which you would search.
You are what you are looking for!
And That is All it is.

Only Self is.

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